List of the mod's authors.
List of categories that this mod is related to.
The class id this mod belongs to.
The creation date of the mod.
The last time the mod was modified.
The release date of the mod.
Number of downloads for the mod.
The game id this mod is for.
The mod popularity rank for the game.
The mod id.
Is the mod available for search. This can be false when a mod is experimental, in a deleted state or has only alpha files.
Whether the mod is included in the featured mods list.
List of file related details for the latest early access files of the mod.
List of latest files of the mod.
List of file related details for the latest files of the mod.
Relevant links for the mod such as Issue tracker and Wiki.
The mod's logo asset.
The id of the main file of the mod.
The name of the mod.
The main category of the mod as it was chosen by the mod author.
The mod's Rating.
List of screenshots assets.
The mod slug that would appear in the URL.
Current mod status.
Mod summary.
The mod's thumbs up count.
Generated using TypeDoc
Is mod allowed to be distributed.