Constructs a new client to interact with the CurseForge Core API.
Your CurseForge Core API key. An API key can be generated in the CurseForge Core developer console.
options: CurseForgeClientOptionsAdditional options to define how the client works
...args: any[]Static
#getCreates an array of the given class.
An array of CurseForgeType
The class of objects to create
The raw API response array data
#getCreates a paginated response of the given class.
The paginated object containing CurseForgeType
The class of objects to create
The raw paginated API response data
Sends a request to the given API endpoint.
A JSON object containing the API response
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
The endpoint, excluding the protocol and hostname
Any options to use in the request
Get all available classes and categories of the specified game. Specify a game id for a list of all game categories, or a class id for a list of categories under that class.
A list of categories
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
A game unique id
options: CurseForgeGetCategoriesOptionsAdditional filters
Get a list of featured, popular and recently updated mods.
A list of featured, popular and recently updated mods
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
Match results for a game and exclude specific mods
A list of file ids to fetch
Get mod files that match a list of fingerprints using fuzzy matching.
A list of mod files
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
Game id and folder fingerprints options for the fuzzy matching
An array of fingerprints
Get a single game. A private game is only accessible by its respective API key.
The game matching the gameId
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
A game unique id
Get all games that are available to the provided API key.
A list of games and the pagination information
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
options: CurseForgeGetGamesOptionsThe pagination query
A list of Minecraft mod loaders
options: CurseForgeGetMinecraftModLoadersOptionsFilter options
options: CurseForgeGetMinecraftVersionsOptionsSort options
The mod id
Get the full description of a mod in HTML format.
The HTML description
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
The mod id
options: CurseForgeGetModDescriptionOptionsGet a single file of the specified mod.
The mod file
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
The mod id the file belongs to
The file id
Get the changelog of a file in HTML format.
The HTML changelog
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
The mod id the file belongs to
The file id
Get a download URL for a specific file.
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
The mod id the file belongs to
The file id
Get all files of the specified mod.
A list of mods
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
The mod id the files belong to
options: CurseForgeGetModFilesOptionsAdditional search criteria
An array of mod ids
A Minecraft mod loader
Get all available version types of the specified game. A private game is only accessible to its respective API key.
A list of version types
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
A game unique id
Get all available versions for each known version type of the specified game. A private game is only accessible to its respective API key.
A list of version types and versions
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
A game unique id
Get all mods that match the search criteria.
A list of mods
CurseForgeResponseError when the request fails
A game unique id
options: CurseForgeSearchModsOptionsAdditional search criteria
#upgradeGenerated using TypeDoc
The main class to interact with the CurseForge Core API.