Class CurseForgeMod

Represents a mod.




allowModDistribution: null | boolean

Is mod allowed to be distributed.

List of the mod's authors.

categories: CurseForgeCategory[]

List of categories that this mod is related to.

classId: null | number

The class id this mod belongs to.

dateCreated: Date

The creation date of the mod.

dateModified: Date

The last time the mod was modified.

dateReleased: Date

The release date of the mod.

downloadCount: number

Number of downloads for the mod.

gameId: number

The game id this mod is for.

gamePopularityRank: number

The mod popularity rank for the game.

id: number

The mod id.

isAvailable: boolean

Is the mod available for search. This can be false when a mod is experimental, in a deleted state or has only alpha files.

isFeatured: boolean

Whether the mod is included in the featured mods list.

latestEarlyAccessFilesIndexes: CurseForgeFileIndex[]

List of file related details for the latest early access files of the mod.

latestFiles: CurseForgeFile[]

List of latest files of the mod.

latestFilesIndexes: CurseForgeFileIndex[]

List of file related details for the latest files of the mod.

Relevant links for the mod such as Issue tracker and Wiki.

The mod's logo asset.

mainFileId: number

The id of the main file of the mod.

name: string

The name of the mod.

primaryCategoryId: number

The main category of the mod as it was chosen by the mod author.

rating: null | number

The mod's Rating.

screenshots: CurseForgeModAsset[]

List of screenshots assets.

slug: string

The mod slug that would appear in the URL.

Current mod status.

summary: string

Mod summary.

thumbsUpCount: number

The mod's thumbs up count.


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